Your first visit will give us an opportunity to connect with you and listen to your concerns, needs, and aspirations for your health and life. We ask that you provide information about you, your life, and the experiences that have contributed to where you are at this moment.

After going over your intake forms, we will assess the function and balance of your neuro-spinal system with a detailed examination and x-rays if necessary. This allows us to see what structural compensation your body might be making to adapt to the stress on your nervous system. The information gathered from your history and examination will not only allow for us to see if we can help you reach your desired goals, but will also tell us if you are a good candidate for the care that we provide in our office. Plan to spend about 30-45 minutes to allow ample time for us to be thorough and connect with you. Special time considerations are made for infants or children with special needs (ie. splitting the appointment time into 2 separate times: phone consultation and then an in-office examination). 

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